Set ad target in any country (individual accounts can only be selected by region)
Timezone is chosen by your request
Easily to scale with a big budget
High conversation rate
Best to promote application
What is Tiktok agency account?
For their official partners, TikTok offers a Business account called the TikTok Agency account. The capacity to advertise is the key distinction between an account of this sort and an individual account. An agency account on TikTok is unrestricted in comparison to individual accounts in terms of targeting possibilities, payment options, ad formats, etc.
What can you get from Tiktok agency account?
Approved and supported by Tiktok
This is a TikTok-approved advertising account that is shared among its partners. It offers sophisticated features and resources to companies, brands, and people wishing to create a more well-known brand on the TikTok platform.
Access custom audience and in-depth analytics
While regular Tiktok accounts have limited access to this tool, agency ads accounts can access it. That helps advertisers create more valuable, suitable content for their potential customers, hence, bring profit to the company.
Targeting unlimited geography
When using Tiktok agency ads account, users can promote their product up to 55 countries, including big market like USA, Indonesia, EU,…
Who will need Tiktok agency account rental services?
Free social profile – fanpage – 1st proxy
Test account with a low budget before scaling (1 account 50$ limit)
Replace disabled accounts without a fee
Accept all niche/product
Why do you need to choose Moon Marketing Agency?
You can easily change the number of features and their properties. With or without background, add text, link or simple arrow, change the icon to number, it’s fully up to you.